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What is a biocleaner or self-cleaner?

Biotreatment is considered today to be the most modern and environmentally friendly wastewater treatment solution.

Biological treatment can also be used in areas with poorly protected or unprotected groundwater. In a bio-treatment plant, wastewater is purified by bacteria and micro-organisms that break down organic matter in the wastewater and use it for food. Thanks to their good treatment performance (able to reduce the BOD of wastewater by 95% and the suspended solids content by up to 97%), biotreatment plants are widely used.

The wide range of applications for bio-waste treatment is also undoubtedly a result of consumers’ growing awareness of the need to protect their environment and of stronger environmental regulation.

It is important to coordinate with your local authority before setting up a self-pollution. The municipality has the right to request a plan of the property showing the proposed location and technical solution (design or drawing) of both the drinking water intake (bore or cesspool) and the wastewater treatment plant.

The right technical solution is particularly important where groundwater is poorly protected or unprotected and in karst areas. The size of the treatment plant is determined by the designer on the basis of water flow calculations and the number of permanent residents.

It’s important to order your bio-freezer from a company that also provides after-care. It is recommended that the installation is contracted out to an installation company trained either by the manufacturer or by the importer.

Biotreatment plants require certification and a project for installation.