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What is a biocleaner or self-cleaner?

Biotreatment is considered today to be the most modern and environmentally friendly wastewater treatment solution. Biological treatment can also be used in areas with poorly protected or unprotected groundwater. In a bio-treatment plant, wastewater is purified by bacteria and micro-organisms that break down organic matter in the wastewater and use it for food. Thanks to […]

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Construction of a swimming pool

When to choose suction tunnels and when to choose suction pipes? With many years of experience in the construction of suction fields, we have observed significant advantages of suction tunnels over suction pipes. Suction tunnels can be used for infiltration of rainwater, effluent from biological treatment plants and septic tanks, as well as greywater into […]

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Septic tanks, where can a septic tank be installed?

Septic tanks with different suction and filtration systems are good for use in areas where groundwater is protected and groundwater levels do not rise critically close to the suction or filtration system. Where not to install a septic tank? Septic tanks should not be used in areas with weakly protected groundwater and in densely populated […]

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Bulk container

A simple way is to collect all household wastewater in a closed tank. In some areas, this is the only way to treat wastewater. The tank must be emptied regularly with a tank truck. This service is provided by specialised companies. When choosing the size of the tank, you should take into account A holding […]

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I want to build a sewerage system in a rural area – where to start and what should I consider?

First of all, you should ask the local authority for planning permission for a solution that is compatible with your property. As a rule, there are three solutions to choose from,… either a closed holding tank, a septic tank or a bio-treatment tank or self-cleaning tank. In general, a holding tank can be installed anywhere, […]

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